Friday, December 28, 2018

Twin-To-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition but also a serious one. This condition happens when the identical twins share the same placenta. When this happens then the blood vessel connections get abnormal and it causes the blood to not flow evenly between both the babies. One of the twins who is the donor becomes dehydrated and the other twin who is the recipient gets a high blood pressure. The second twin produces lots of urine that fills up the amniotic sac.
TTTS is a disease that gets formed in the placenta of the pregnant woman and thus this is not a disease that occurs in the babies. The condition affects the twins in different ways. The twin who is the donor does not produce sufficient quantities of urine and thus has low amniotic fluid levels which lead to low growth. The second twin or the recipient twin has too much of fluid and this twin produces more urine. This causes a big bladder and the recipient twin has an excess of amniotic fluid. The excess of the amniotic fluid at times puts a lot of pressure on the heart and this could cause heart failure.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Diet Plans For Overweight Pregnant Women

It is important for a pregnant woman to gain weight during her pregnancy because it helps to support the baby. How much weight a woman should gain will vary based on the weight of the woman before she got pregnant. Those who were overweight should gain lesser weight than their slimmer counterparts.
Being overweight when pregnant causes many complications like miscarriage, hypertension, gestational diabetes, wound infections etc. Those women who are overweight during pregnancy have a greater chance of a cesarean delivery and could have some delivery complications.
It is thus important that one follows a balanced diet and exercise to keep fit during pregnancy.
The pregnancy diets to be followed by overweight women
Being overweight does not mean that you should Continue Reading

The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy: Diet And Nutrition

When pregnant it is important that you eat a healthy diet that is well balanced all through your pregnancy. The food provides nourishment to you and baby and thus makes sure that you include lots of nutrients in your food. This is essential for the development and the growth of the baby.
What should your diet have in the second trimester?
Your diets should consist of a balance of:
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
The diet for pregnant women should have a combination of some of the essential components.
Also when you enter the second trimester your body now needs lots of calcium and vitamin D. The body also requires magnesium. All these help in the strong growth of teeth and bones of the baby. Also, make sure that you include omega-3 oils in your diet which is important for the brain development of the baby.
Some food that should be included in your pregnancy diet in the second trimester are:
  • Broccoli

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy: Diet And Nutrition

When pregnant it is important that you eat a healthy diet that is well balanced all through your pregnancy. The food provides nourishment to you and baby and thus makes sure that you include lots of nutrients in your food. This is essential for the development and the growth of the baby.
What should your diet have in the second trimester?
Your diets should consist of a balance of:
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
The diet for pregnant women should have a combination of some of the essential components.
Also when you enter the second trimester your body now needs lots of calcium and vitamin D. The body also requires magnesium. All these help in the strong growth of teeth and bones of the baby. Also, make sure that you include omega-3 oils in your diet which is important for the brain development of the baby.
Some food that should be included in your pregnancy diet in the second trimester are:
  • Broccoli
  • Peanut butter
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Avocado
  • Pumpkin seeds

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Importance of Symptoms lookup device for pregnant women

Importance of Symptoms lookup device for pregnant women:
Physical symptoms are common in pregnancy and there are some
normal physiological changes that occur time to time in a pregnancy.
Although every pregnancy is unique and has some special symptoms
but there are so many symptoms that are common in all type of

The need for such an instrument became apparent to alter the
frequency and severity of the full range of pregnancy symptoms, such
as nausea, back pain, incontinence, and quality of sleep, mood or libido.
In the past, there was no validated way of assessing the impact of
pregnancy interventions on the wide range of pregnancy symptoms
that women experience

But today in the era of the internet there are so many smartphone apps
and health tracker devices in the market for expectant, on a lighter
note many of which seem like they can provide every help except
actually, deliver the baby. Some comprehensive apps can include fetal
development charts (like at week 12 your baby is the size of a lime!),
timelines, to-do lists, and weight trackers.

They can even help make sure you if you are experiencing certain
symptoms what could be the reasons and deliver you some handy safe
tricks to cope off these side symptoms of pregnancy. Some good
symptoms look up devices or apps are more specialized they provide
insight on which foods and medications to avoid while pregnant,
relaxing ideas, relaxation techniques, tips for connecting with your baby
and much more.

Expert advice: In the era of ever-ready knowledge and never-ending
data, pregnancy tracking apps and symptoms lookup devices can help
give moms the peace of mind they need to better enjoy pregnancy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy: Diet And Nutrition

When pregnant it is important that you eat a healthy diet that is well balanced all through your pregnancy. The food provides nourishment to you and baby and thus makes sure that you include lots of nutrients in your food. This is essential for the development and the growth of the baby.
What should your diet have in the second trimester?
Your diets should consist of a balance of:
  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
The diet for pregnant women should have a combination of some of the essential components.
Also when you enter the second trimester your body now needs lots of calcium and vitamin D. The body also requires magnesium. All these help in the strong growth of teeth and bones of the baby. Also, make sure that you include omega-3 oils in your diet which is important for the brain development of the baby.
Some food that should be included in your pregnancy diet in the second trimester are:
  • Broccoli
  • Peanut butter
  • Cabbage

Monday, December 17, 2018

Screening Tests In Pregnancy

Your healthcare provider will ask you to get some screening tests when you are pregnant. This is done in order to detect any health-related problems that you or your baby may have. The doctor would test for any infections or a physical abnormality. The screening tests are also done to check for Down’s syndrome.
The tests are done after which the doctor would guide you if you would need any further tests or what your treatment plan should be during your pregnancy or after you give birth to your baby.
What are the screening tests that are performed?
The screening tests are done to those who have a high risk of health problems. This means that those who are at a higher risk can be treated early so that the problem can be cured. It is important to note that the screening tests are not perfect.
The screening tests include ultrasound, a blood test or a combination of both. The ultrasound is done to detect any physical abnormality. The blood test lets the doctor find out any inherited disorder like anemia or HIV.
When the blood tests and the scans Continue Reading....